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"Good User Gone Bad" date option for Erwin's Warn Ban Edit

This was devised as a solution to the "Good User Gone Bad" scenario ...

What it does:

It's a modification to the hack devised by Erwin "Warn Ban Edit" ( as it's commonly known, to permit you to set an arbitrary timestamp on the posts that will be Globally Ignored by your users ...

As I have only a couple of users to which this group applies, it's easy enough to just say "anything after the start of 2004 will be hidden" which is how this is set-up - however, all you need to do is adjust the $postyear date function call and the iif statement to adjust what gets let thru and what gets hidden.

IN includes/functions_showthread.php



$maintemplatename = 'postbit_ignore_global';

Replace with:

// Addon by Natch to Warn Ban Edit
$postyear = date("Y",$post['dateline']);
$maintemplatename = iif(($postyear<=2003),$maintemplatename,'postbit_ignore_global');
// End Addon by Natch to Warn Ban Edit


There is also an optional modification:

If you want your board users to see that there was a post made, but not have any access to the contents (except for SuperMods and Admins), use the contents of the attached postbit_ignore_global, instead of simply emptying the template as indicated in Erwin's Warn, Ban, Edit hack ... this will show SuperMods and Admins a regular postbit_ignore_global, and all others will get the template with the links to "remove from my ignore list" and "show this post" but retains the "The Admin has told this tosser to shut up and bugger off" phrase ... ;)

Any queries just ask - click INSTALL! ( if you like this!

Clarification: this will ONLY impact on users that are in the Troll Banned usergroup - once they are out of that usergroup, ALL their posts will re-appear.

Does this mod offer an "on" and "off" feature (when the user redeems himself)?


If you take 'em out of the Troll Banned usergroup...

erm i got a suggestion while we in the mood :o

how about lowering reputation by the default power of the person giving the warning

ps nice addon by the way :D

privacy (GDPR)